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Couples Training
Couples that train together, stay together.
Exercise can improve fertility in men and women.
We all know that in order to have a baby, we need a sperm and an egg. We also know that being fit and healthy can hugely help both sperm quality and egg quality, manage BMI and so allow access to fertility treatment, increase testosterone levels, lower stress, improve mood, prepare a body for a healthy pregnancy, as well as a host of other health factors.
"Hi Maria, Just wanted to explain why I'm suddenly not working out....I'm pregnant rught now! I've got PCOS and have been trying for such a long time....thanks for the motivation" Fitness Fertility Client.
Ciaran Hannington, male fertility fitness specialist and founder of Humanity, Health and Fitness, and Maria, female fertility fitness specialist and founder of Fitness Fertility have teamed up to bring you a fantastic couples programme, designed to support both male and female fertility. Maria and Ciaran have both been on their own fertility journey and want to support other couples who are experiencing the same difficulties.
"Ciaran is a fantastic personal trainer. His knowledge of male fertility, and what men need to optimise their fertility is unrivalled. His training programmes reflect this and simply put, he just knows things other personal trainers don't. " Client Testimonial
There is no doubt that that infertility can take a huge toll on any relationship so it is crucial that couples do everything they can to work together to support their relationship as they go through this grueling process together. If you are in a heterosexual couple, this programme is for you (if you are not in a heterosexual couple, but are also interested in couples training, we can still help, see contact details below).
Our 12 week programme includes the following:
Minimum three workouts per week
Healthy Meal plans based around each individuals calorific and macronutrient needs
Couples workouts that you do together
Workouts designed to support overall health in both men and women
Workouts designed to support healthy testosterone levels in males
Fertility supporting yoga stretches
Regular contact with Maria and Ciaran to support you and and keep you accountable
Pelvic floor workout
Fertility supporting yoga and relaxation stretches
Support in working towards a healthy BMI
Setting and tracking of healthy goals and habits
Both partners have access to the training plans via an awesome personal trainng app
Price only £25.99 per week for 12 weeks (per couple, not per person)
One person signs up and the set up link is then sent to the partner so they can log in too; easy.
If you would like to talk, book in for a free consultation with Maria here or contact Ciaran at