Meet Maria

​​Maria is first and foremost a mum of two beautiful boys, Jacob and Luca. Both boys were conceived with the help of Clomid, as Maria has PCOS and never ovulated. This made getting pregnant very difficult! She is also a personal trainer, Psychology graduate, podcast host, exercise lover and enthusiastic runner.
Maria's fertility story is inextricably linked to her fitness journey. She passionately believes that your health is your fertility and your fertility is your health. Improve your health, and you improve your fertility.
Maria has PCOS and always struggled with anovulatory cycles, bad skin, mood swings and fatigue. As a result of her PCOS, Maria needed fertility help to get pregnant and the road was far from easy. She experienced pregnancy loss, stress, anxiety, mood swings, hormonal chaos and uncertainty along the way, Consequently, Maria knows how tough things can be and that gives her a compassion and understanding of the trying to conceive journey that you won't find in most other fitness coaches.
Fertility Fitness Coaching has been born out of Maria's experiences and her drive to help others, like you, on this journey. If you would like to know more, just book in for a free consultation by picking a time that suits you below.