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Taking Charge of Your Fertility
Join our 12 week Fitness and Nutrition Course
This 12 week online fertility nutrition & fitness course teaches you exactly how you can enhance your fertility with nutrition and exercise.
This course will encourage you to begin making positive and actionable steps immediately, so you’ll be able to reclaim your energy, lose weight, balance your mood, improve your digestion, manage stress, and optimise your fertility.​
Before Course
After Course
What do you get?
6 nutrition education modules delivered fortnightly
12 week fitness programme delivered via amazing app
Done for you lists, recipes & meal plans
Homework tasks so you can put what you've learnt into practice
Community Support
The Modules: knowledge is power
MODULE 1: Fabulous Foods for Fertility – Food can have an incredibly positive impact on your health and your fertility. In this module you'll learn what to eat, what to avoid, how to structure your meals, and how to maintain this way of eating for life. With this module you'll get a 7 day fertility friendly meal plan and fertility nutrients. check list.
MODULE 2: A Thriving Gut for Fertility - Your gut does much more than just digest, absorb, and excrete food. Your gut influences the health of every system in your body, including your reproductive system. In this module we’ll look at the importance of understanding and supporting your gut for fertility, symptoms to look out for, and how you can assess the health of your gut.
MODULE 3: Optimising Your Hormonal Health & Vaginal Microbiome - this module is a deep dive into your hormonal health with a spotlight on the thyroid, sex hormone function, fertility tracking, and vaginal health, and most importantly how you can support these areas for a healthy conception, pregnancy, and baby.
MODULE 4: Supplements for Fertility - Supplements are an area that can be quite confusing and complex. Many of the people I work with come to me with a shopping list of supplements they are taking which can sometimes be doing them more harm than good. So when it comes to fertility, should we be supplementing at all, and are there any particular nutrients that are better to supplement than others? This module will cover all of this and more, plus you'll also get a supplement discount so you can save on the supplements you are taking.
MODULE 5: Optimising Male Fertility - When it comes to fertility there is a lot of focus on the female side. But we know it takes two to make a baby, so sperm health is equally significant. In 30-40% of cases the cause of infertility can be male factor, so it is important you both work on this. In this module we’ll be looking at testing for male fertility, lifestyle factors and how they affect sperm health, and nutrition for male fertility to help those swimmers swim!
MODULE 6: Fertile Mind & Fertile Lifestyle - Your lifestyle is equally important when it comes to supporting your fertility. We'll cover sleep hygiene, stress management, and the importance of self care. We also look at the environment you are living in, and how it might be affecting your fertility. We’ll uncover the toxins that could be disrupting your hormones and sabotaging egg and sperm health, and what you can do about it by following some simple and easy changes.
“I love the flexibility and I love that all the exercises are demonstrated for me. The workouts are great and work well with my busy schedule”. Fitness Fertility Client after two weeks
“I’m over the moon! We are on the right track” Fitness Fertility Client in relation to weight loss so far
This fertility nutrition course is for you if you:
Are confused about what to eat to support your fertility.
Want to know what you should be doing to maximise your chances of IVF success.
Want to improve egg quality and sperm health.
Have been diagnosed with a condition that may be affecting your fertility i.e. PCOS or endometriosis.
Have been told you have ‘unexplained infertility’.
Have been trying to conceive for some time without success.
Have had failed IVF or IUI cycles.
Have suffered from miscarriages and want to achieve a healthy pregnancy.
Want to conceive naturally and ensure your body is as healthy as it can be.
Are experiencing secondary infertility.
Looking to conceive with donor eggs or sperm.
Would like guidance and support from fertility experts.
Want to prepare your body physically for fertility treatment and pregnancy.
Want to lower your BMI before treatment or just to feel better in yourself.
Want space to focus on you and your mental health.
5/5 very satisfied with the course and 5/5 for the workouts
Course content was "very relevant"
Course Clients
100% would you recommend this course to others going through fertility challenges.
"I now have a protocol for healing my gut , already feeling so much better. Feeling much stronger with my workouts and happy that I managed to keep working out consistently" GB
"Seems like my body started to ( finally!) digest food properly. Regular bowel movements. Improved muscle tone (can do some of the exercises much easier now) . I now enjoy the home workouts." GB
"Just wanted to say a massive thank you to you both for really caring and all the amazing support and advice and encouragement you have given."
Meet the Team
Julia Young
Registered Nutritional Therapist & Fertility Specialist
Hi, I’m Julia, a BANT Registered Nutritional Therapist specialising in fertility. I help couples struggling to conceive to realise their dream of having a family. Having gone through fertility struggles myself, I am passionate about supporting couples and women with their fertility and hormonal issues. I’ve been there, and I know what it feels like to struggle to achieve what you really want in life. I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and suffered from amenorrhea (absent periods) for 7 years, which meant that we were unable to conceive naturally. After several rounds of fertility treatment and a miscarriage we were finally blessed with two boys, one via IUI and one via IVF. However, it was only after discovering that nutrition, lifestyle, and supplements could impact my health that to my amazement my periods returned. This inspired me to train as a registered nutritional therapist and to go on to help others struggling to conceive. One of the best things about my job is when I hear news from a client telling me they are pregnant; it shows the transformation that can happen when people make changes to their diet and lifestyle.
Maria McMaster Howells
Qualified Personal Trainer & Pre & Post Natal Trainer
Hello, my name is Maria, I am a qualified personal trainer and a pre and post natal trainer. I also have a BSc and a Masters degree in Psychology, a black belt in karate and have been on numerous sports teams in my life including touch rugby and cricket teams. I have a real interest in helping and supporting others; I love personal training and being active and also very much want to support those on their fertility journey, so I have combined both passions and now love training my Fitness Fertility clients. I have had my own fertility struggles, being diagnosed with PCOS after having years of anovulatory cycles, bad skin, migraines, pain and mood concerns. I am now lucky enough to have two beautiful sons after fertility treatment with clomid but unfortunately experienced pregnancy loss in between both pregnancies. I truly believe that one of the things that helped me prepare for treatment, both mentally and physically was being active. I ensured I was training in a way that was helpful for PCOS, kept my BMI within the healthy range and used my long runs and gym sessions to really work on my mental health. The fertility journey can be unbelievably stressful but for me, being active played a huge role in helping me through it. I am very excited to use what I know to help others grow their own family.
How can I find out more about working with you?
When will the sessions run?
Get in touch at
The fertility nutrition modules land in your app every fortnight from when you start the course. You can do the workouts in the fitness app and watch the nutrition modules at a time that suits you.
When does the course start?
What makes your course different to other fertility courses?
The course runs on your schedule so start whenever suits you.
​We believe that when it comes to supporting your fertility, the key is to focus on all areas of nutrition and lifestyle, not just one. With our combined expertise, we are in the unique position to offer you both fitness, nutrition & lifestyle support, so you can be assured that you are doing the very best to take charge of your fertility.
For how long do I have access to the course?
You will have access to the education modules and fitness app for 12 weeks from when you sign up to the course.
How can I get one on one advice from you?
Can I get a refund?
Is the course suitable for vegetarians and vegans?
What if I have never worked out before, will I be able to do the workouts?
I already work out a lot, so I am not sure I need this programme; what can you offer me that I am not doing already?
What if I have more questions?
We can not give one to one advice on the course however we will be offering a discounted price on our products after the course.
We are not offering refunds for the course as we find you get the best results by committing to making the changes and following the advice.
Yes a lot of the recommendations and meal plans can be adapted to vegetarians and vegans. You may find it helpful to book an additional supplement review though to make sure you are getting all the right fertility nutrients for you.
Yes, the workouts are designed in a way that allows you to workout at your own pace at a time that suits you. Every exercise, including the warm up and cool down, is demonstrated for you via a video, so you can see exactly what you are supposed to be doing.
​A structured, progressive programme that is designed to prepare you for a healthy pregnancy whilst also ensuring you make progress over the eight weeks. You will also have the support of your community with you, completing all the same workouts and going through a similar time in their life. You can share your successes and difficulties as you go so you have support and are not doing this on your own. This helps with accountability, consistency and will help you achieve your goals.
Please do email me at