This blog post is a summary of the article Beneficial Effects of a Three-Month Structured Exercise Training Program on Cardiopulmonary Functional Capacity in Young Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 92, Issue 4, 1 April 2007, Pages 1379–1384. The authors are Carlo Vigorito et al.
Ninety PCOS women were randomly subdivided into two groups composed of 45 patients each; the PCOS-T (trained) group underwent a 3-month structured exercise training programme, whereas the PCOS- untrained group did not. None of the subjects received any medications throughout the study.
All clinical assessments were performed by the same physician who was blinded to the patient allocation into the study protocol. All study procedures were completed under the same conditions, and at the same time of day for both the baseline and follow-up tests.
All patients underwent fitness testing on an exercise bike. The PCOS trained group then underwent a 3-month structured exercise training programme.
Results: The authors collected a lot of data on various biological systems but the main summary is as follows:
A structured 3-month exercise training programme improved cardiopulmonary functional capacity and physical fitness, insulin sensitivity, and BMI in young overweight PCOS women. The authors go on to say that given the strong evidence for a direct role of physical activity in the prevention of insulin resistance and the fact that exercise training increases mitochondrial biogenesis and improves glucose tolerance and insulin action in insulin resistance subjects, their work strengthens the recommendation to apply primary defence mechanisms such as exercise in young women with PCOS.
There is a lot more information in the origianl article so if you are interested in finding more, please just follow this link